EXIN Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001

Information security is becoming more and more important. The globalization of the economy leads to an increasing exchange of information between organizations (employees, customers and suppliers), an increasing use of networks, such as the internal company network, the interconnection with networks of other companies and the Internet. Moreover, the activities of many companies now depend on ICT, with information becoming a valuable business asset.

Information security is essential to ensure the proper functioning and continuity of the organization: information must be reliable.

This Information Security Foundation based on ISO IEC 27001 course provide you all knowledge for the EXIN Information Security Foundation and is a relevant certification for all professionals who work with confidential information. It tests the understanding of concepts and value of information security as well as the threats and risks.


Not stated.

Successful completion of the EXIN Information Security Foundation based on ISO/IEC 27001 exam.

  • Ideal for professionals aspiring to become a data protection officer.
  • Suitable for those who have started in data privacy or information security but seek more support and direction in career development.
  • Certifications can be taken one by one, allowing professionals to progress towards becoming an EXIN Data Protection Officer gradually.
  • Particularly well-suited for professionals holding one of the required certifications, as they only need to attain the other certifications in the career path to obtain the EXIN Data Protection Officer certification.
1.1 Concepts relating to information.
1.2 Reliability aspects
1.3 Securing information in the organizations
2.1 Threat and risks
3.1 Outlining security controls
3.2 Organizational Controls
3.3 People Controls
3.4 Physical Controls
3.5 Technical Controls
4.1 Legislations and Regulations Controls
4.2 Standard
Length of exam 1 hour
Number of questions 40
Question format Multiple choice
Passing grade  65%
Exam availability English, Chinese, German, Portuguese, Dutch
Testing center Online Proctored/ Paper-based